Sunday, March 16, 2014

Serving lunch to emergency service workers

Earlier today, I participated in the first Love Movement Miami-Dade (which you can find on social media by searching #LoveMovementMiamiDade). I purchased some pizzas and soda and went to a local fire rescue station. They seemed to be a bit taken aback by the sincere gesture. It was as though they were wondering what the "catch" was. On the way out, someone said to me that things like this don't judge happen for no reason. I totally agreed with! Things like this don't happen for NO reason; this happened because we, the Love Movement, love and appreciate our emergency workers!

To participate in Miami-Dade County, contact us at
To view other cities, or to organize one in your city, go to the website for more info.

#LoveMovementMiamiDade Easter event!

Monthly, Jamila Wellness LLC coordinates the Miami-Dade County community service event called the Love Movement. On social media, you can see more at #LoveMovementMiamiDade.
This month, Jamila Wellness LLC is so grateful to be working with a team to organize a children’s chemo care package event, and would like to have 93 bags to cover the pediatric oncology areas in Baptist Children's, Holtz Children's (Jackson), and Miami Children's Hospitals. We're calling them "B31ieve Bags" and incorporating an inspirational saying with each bag. What a blessing to be a part of this! We can't wait to see the final count at the end of the month. :)
I am presenting you with a great opportunity to help give pediatric cancer patients a bag of comfort, support, and love! By donating $25, a Thirty One Cinch Sac packed with much needed items will be filled, adorned with an inspirational saying and a donated by” (your name)" tag. All donations will be accepted until March 29th. 
I will keep a log of orders, and will message you with payment details. You may call (305) 707-4539 to purchase a bag or visit Then, search under "Totes" for "Cinch Sac" or enter the item number 3039. Choose the pattern(s) and quantity that you would like to donate and check out using a debit or credit card. I will provide receipts for tax purposes. 
All bags will be delivered to me and I will fill the bags with gifts and donated items. The completed bags will be prepared and delivered to Baptist, Holtz, and Miami Children's Hospitals on Saturday, April 19th, just in time for Easter! Please feel free to share with friends/family who may be interested!
Click here if you're interested in volunteering to deliver bags.